Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Fun Facts About Beets!

1. In ancient times, the root part was not used for cooking but instead as a medicine for treating painful disorders at that time including headaches and toothaches. (However, there is no evidence to prove that the root portion of the beet has medicinal properties.)

2. By the 3rd century AD, the Romans are considered the first to have cultivated the plant for the root rather than just the leaves.

3.. An estimated 10-15% of all U.S. adults experience beeturia (a reddening of the urine) after consumption of beets.

4. The Romans considered beet juice to be an aphrodisiac.

5. Since the 16th century, beet juice has been used as a natural red dye, even used to dye hair!

6. Beets gained popularity in the 19th century when it was discovered that they are a concentrated source of sugar.

7. Beets are sometimes used to make homemade wine.

8. Sugar beets are about 20% sugar while beets or beetroot are usually no more than 10% sugar.

9. One cup of beets contains about 75 calories.

10. Red beets get their color from a pigment called "betalain." Betalain is also responsible for the red color of bougainvillea and amaranth.


  1. Beets are the dumbest vegetable in the world

  2. No they aren't! Celery is the dumbest vegetable in the world


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