Wednesday, November 17, 2010

A Jennie's Veggies Favorite Recipe ~ Featured on!

I am very excited to say that my blog caught the attention of the Editor from, a wonderful healthy cooking website! He told me that my blog/recipes were fantastic (*blush*) and that he would love to feature my favorite Halloween recipes on his site! I (of course) could not deny!

Every month asks a variety of bloggers a food and cooking related question, and at the end of the month they feature them in a post. Well, I am proud to announce that my Fluffy Pumpkin Cookies, and Pumpkin Flour made the cut! Click on the link below to find my recipes featured in This Months Healthy Bite on FaveDiets' blog!

Now, what to submit for November...? Hmmmm =)


  1. Your blog and your recipes are fantastic! Your pumpkin flour recipe was one of the most inventive ideas I've seen in a while, and I am very curious about what you might have in store for November and Thanksgiving!

  2. Thanks so much Matt! I'm really glad you are enjoying my blog, makes it that much more enjoyable for ME! Pumpkin flour is actually a popular practice! Time consuming, but worth it. I hope you like what I submit for this month! =)


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